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Capacitando Hombre y Mujeres para la Obra de Dios




e Internacional

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Approved by
Education and Culture of Uruguay
46 years in the Service of the Ministry,
Training Men and Women
for the Work of God  !!!

"Generating the Newto Generation

What is Apostolic Biblical Institute?

The Apostolic Biblical Institute of Uruguay is the Ministerial Training Center of the United Pentecostal Church of Uruguay (IPUU), and has existed since 1978 to equip Oneness Pentecostal men and women for Ministry through a course of study based on biblical studies. , theology, pastoral ministry and spiritual formation

  • We accept International and Interdenominational Unitarian Students

Course prices 2024

Mejor precio/calidad

Curso IBA Uruguay - Anual

UYU 3,300

Pago Anual Anticipado Curso Completo IBA

Valid for one year

Pago Anual en 1 sola Cuota de todo el Año

Incluye 2 Semestres con 4 Materias en cada uno.

Libros 100% Digitales

Mejor Precio

Curso IBA Uruguay - Semestral

UYU 1,650

Pago por Semestre Anticipado del Curso Anual Instituto Biblico Apostolico Uruguay

Valid for 16 weeks

Curso del Instituto Biblico Apostolico del Uruguay

Materiales Digitales (Libros, etc)

Acceso a Web, Classroom y Canal de Youtube del IBA

Certificado Final del IBA Uruguay

* Duracion Curso 2 Semestres por Año

Mas informacion en pagina de Inscripciones...

Mejor precio/calidad

Clase Abierta IBA Semestral

UYU 500

Pago por Semestre Anticipado 1 Clases Abiertas del Instituto Biblico Apostolico del Uruguay

Valid for 16 weeks

Asistencia a 1 Clase Abierta de IBA

Matricula Incluida

Materiales (Libros, etc)

Accesos (Web, Classroom, Canal IBA Youtube)

Certificado de Aprobacion de Clase Cursada en el IBA Uruguay

*Duracion Curso on line 1 Clase 3 meses

Mas informacion en pagina de Inscripciones...

Mejor precio/calidad

Clases Abiertas IBA Uruguay (Pr. IPUU)



Clases de Capacitacion para Pastores o Esposas de la Iglesia Pentecostal Unida del Uruguay

Valid until canceled

Clases Abiertas del IBA Uruguay para Pastores IPUU

Open Classes IBA Uruguay 2024

No plans available

Once there are plans available for purchase, you'll see them here.

No plans available

Once there are plans available for purchase, you'll see them here.

Our former students

My name is Mabel de los Santos. I thank God for the opportunity that God gave me to study at IBA Uruguay between 1984 and 1986, the year in which I graduated. I also had the opportunity to be a teacher for 2 years at IBA, and it was an enriching and growing experience for my life. I still remember the moments I lived during that time and I think they were the best, where each teaching given by my teachers is the foundation and the  anchor that today still keeps me standing in the presence of God.
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Welcome to the Apostolic Bible Institute of Uruguay!

We are an institution dedicated to the teaching and dissemination of the Word of God, committed to the comprehensive development of our students and their training for the Christian ministry.


Our study programs are designed to provide solid and practical theological training, adapted to the current needs and challenges of the church and society. We have a highly trained and committed teaching team that accompanies students in their learning and growth process.

At the Apostolic Bible Institute of Uruguay, we believe in the importance of theological education for leadership and service in the church and in the world. Therefore, we strive to offer rigorous academic training that is at the same time relevant and pertinent.

If you are looking for an institution where you can grow in your knowledge of God's Word and prepare for ministry, we invite you to learn more about us and join our community of students and professionals committed to God's work in the world. Welcome to the Apostolic Bible Institute of Uruguay!

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IBA Registrations
Tel: +598.96.115-196

Pr. Jacob Palma

IBA Director

IBA Technical Department

Tel: +1.347.223.9226

Pr. Luis R Rodriguez

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